Алиса Федоренко

Сопрано, Москва


Alice Fedorenko was born in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. In 2006-2015 she was a student of the Glinka musical lyceum, which she graduated with excellent marks. During the study, she was a soloist of children's music theatre «Piccolo» and actively participated in the regional, Russian and international competitions. Several times Alice became a scholarship holder of the head of the city for achievements in art, and in 2015 she became a scholar of the head of the region. Alice is the winner of 2nd prize of the Kabalevsky international competition in Samara, participant of the competition E. V. Obraztsova in St. Petersburg. She is the winner of the Main prize in the field of art in the Chelyabinsk region "Andryusha" (2014). Alice participated in master- classes of the school of vocal skills of E. V. Obraztsova in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and also successfully participated in master classes of T. Sharova , P. Glubokogo in the international creative school "New names" (President Denis Matsuev) in Suzdal. From 2015 to 2017, Alice was a student of the Magnitogorsk Music College at the Conservatory of M.I. Glinka. Since 2017-a student of the Academic music college at the Moscow Conservatory of P. I. Tchaikovsky In 2018 Alice successfully entered Russian Gnessin Academy of music (class Svetlana Kuznetsova). She actively takes part in concerts and events of the Academy, Opera Studio, performs at other music events in Moscow, in different competitions and auditions.
Личные данные
Год рождения Рост Голос Гражданство
1999 166 см Сопрано Российское
Премии (награды)
Год Название Степень Город
2014 Kabalevsky Competition of young musicians 2nd prize Samara
2013 .«Youth of the Planet» 1st prize Sweden
Композитор Опера Партии
В.А. Моцарт Свадьба Фигаро Сюзанна, Барбарина
В.А. Моцарт Дон Жуан Церлина
В.А. Моцарт Волшебная флейта Памина
В.А. Моцарт Так поступают все Деспина
В.А. Моцарт Царь-пастух Аминт
Г. Доницетти Лючия ди Ламмермур Лючия
Г. Доницетти Любовный напиток Адина
В.Беллини Капулетти и Монтекки Джульетта
Ж. Массне Манон Манон
Гуно Ромео и Джульетта Джульетта
Дж. Верди Риголетто Джильда
Р. Штраус Кавалер розы Софи
М.И. Глинка Руслан и Людмила Людмила
Н.А. Римский-Корсаков Царская невеста Марфа
Н.А. Римский-Корсаков Снегурочка Снегурочка
Н.А. Римский-Корсаков Сказка о Царе Салтане Царевна Лебедь
Н.А. Римский-Корсаков Золотой петушок Шемаханская царица
Годы Заведение Степень Город
2018-2022 РАМ имени Гнесиных бакалавр, Вокальное искусство Россия, Москва